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I’ll Be Done Friday, Honest! Six Techniques to Ensure Solid Project Management Execution

I’ll Be Done Friday, Honest! Six Techniques to Ensure Solid Project Management Execution

Some time back I was responsible for a portfolio of projects being done within the finance organization of my company. One of the projects was outsourced to a large consulting firm who supplied the project management, analysis, and development resources to the project. I would hold weekly meetings with the project manager who consistently gave me a “thumbs up” on the project up to the first key milestone being hit. When the week of the first milestone approached, he announced that the milestone was going to have to slip by a week to ensure successful delivery. The next week came along and again the project slipped a week. This went on for two more weeks with the promise of “we’ll for sure nail it next week.” I decided to do some crawling around the project to assess where the project was really at. Turns out we were at least a month away from delivering to the milestone which was already a month late.

Needless to say I was less than thrilled with the consulting firm running the project. They sent out one of their heavyweight project managers to assess the situation. After two hours of reviewing the project he reported back to me that the project had slipped, not due to anything his organization had or hadn’t done, but because of things we as the client did to cause the problems. Needless to say I pretty much lost it with him. I then went through the project plan with him and went through each task and peppered him with questions about why his project manager hadn’t managed the execution of the project and why we were continuing to get a ‘thumbs up” when in fact the project had slipped horribly. After my inquisition he said he’d follow up and get back to me. I’m still waiting.

Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Despite how pretty a project schedule looks, how clear the organization chart is, or how well articulated the risks and issues are, the most successful projects execute great to a great plan. Solid project management execution means driving the plan, making adjustments as necessary to address unforeseen issues, and removing roadblocks which can inhibit successful completion. The project manager has to stay steady at the helm making sure these things happen; they won’t just happen by themselves. To articulate this a bit more here are three formulas for you to keep in mind:

Planning + Execution = Project Success

Execution – Planning = Randomized Flailing

Planning – Execution = Well-Dressed Inertia

Through my experience I’ve come up with six techniques that can help you as a project manager better ensure project success. While this isn’t an exhaustive list of everything you can do, it does highlight some specific areas which can help keep a project from derailing:

Snuff out and squash “shiny objects” – First, let’s put shiny objects in context; to me a shiny object isn’t important to the task at hand and isn’t time-sensitive. If something comes across your desk that can be done later without impact to your work, yet interrupts what you’re doing, then this in my view constitutes a shiny object. It’s also important to distinguish between shiny objects and the garden-variety fire-drill. The primary difference to me is a fire drill needs to be done immediately, otherwise there is some material and tangible business consequence; whereas with a shiny object there is no material and tangible business consequence if it doesn’t get done. This is an important distinguishing factor because many shiny object violators I know view their shiny objects as fire drills and take comfort in responding to fire drills because of the sense of accomplishment they feel in putting out the fire. Be on the lookout for shiny objects and squash them before your team gets derailed.

Watch the “off-workplan” tasks – Recently I worked with a project team that had a pretty decent project plan with dependencies, resources, and timeframes all laid out. The problem, though, was that the project plan assumed 100% resource focus but only about 60% of the resource focus was dedicated to the project plan. The other 40% was consumed via to-do lists which the project manager kept in addition to the project plan. Thus, the project was doomed to a 40% schedule slip right from the get-go because of the to-do list tasks. As the project manager, you have the responsibility of ensuring that all project-related activity is reflected in your project plan and that you specifically articulate the percentage of time resources are dedicated to tasks.

Think realistically aggressive when developing estimates – I’ve worked with three distinct personality types when it comes to estimating levels of effort. The first personality type is Ms. Reality. She looks at a given set of tasks and develops a realistic yet aggressive expectation of what will be required of her to complete the task. More importantly, she hits her dates with a high degree of reliability. The second personality type is Mr. Op T. Mystic. Mr. Op consistently under-estimates tasks and provides a “if all of the stars align” projection on completing tasks. Tasks quickly get to 90% done then stay there forever. The third personality type is Mr. Gloom N. Doom. Mr. Gloom typically provides worst-case estimates and will slather on contingency like barbecue sauce on ribs. The secret sauce (can you tell I really like ribs?) here is to recognize the personality type you work with and try to snuff out reality with each personality type. Sure, you’ll get some push-back particularly from Mr. Gloom, but unless you apply some aggressive reality to your estimates you’re going to have a hard time getting sponsors and higher-ups to view you as a credible project manager.

Hold weekly status meetings – I am a big fan of weekly status meetings and weekly status reports, particularly on high-visibility projects. In fact, I have become a strong proponent of creating my project status report (see my status report template at the bottom of this article) right in my status meeting. Key to this is focusing on project plan tasks, milestones, risks and issues during the status meeting. I’ve been through way too many status meetings where the focus was on each team member talking about accomplishments and effort versus results. Now, it’s nice that all of the team members are working so hard, but when everyone starts patting themselves on the back for how many hours are being worked at the expense of managing to schedule, you’ve got a sick project on your hands. Keep the status meetings focused on schedule, risks and issues and keep them very regular. Don’t let weeks go by without doing them unless you’re willing to play Russian Roulette with your schedule.

Expose the violators – So okay, before I have every HR manager ready to shoot me let me explain what I mean. In status meetings, I think it is completely within bounds for a project manager to expect project team members who don’t deliver on their commitments to explain to the project team why they aren’t pulling their weight. Too many times I’ve seen project managers shield slacker project team members or not force them to explain their actions (or inaction as the case may be). What each member of the project team needs to recognize is when he or she doesn’t perform it isn’t just the project manager that is being let down; it is the entire team. When each project team member feels accountable to the rest of the team for delivery and directly feels as if he or she is letting the rest of the team down he or she is more likely to perform and meet dates. This can be very effective in getting teams to perform, just make sure it is done with respect. It’s about getting teams to perform, not about skewering someone’s dignity.

Use the 1/1/1 rule when planning tasks – Great execution starts with great planning. Sure, we’ve all seen acts of heroism where a project team worked 90 hours a week to get a poorly conceived and planned project done on time. However, no one likes to work in that mode. Projects that are well planned are more likely to be delivered on time, per customer expectation, and within budget, period. A key component of good planning is using what I call the “1/1/1” rule in work breakdown structure decomposition which stands for “one deliverable, one person, one week.” Driving to this level of detail in a project plan ensures there is no ambiguity on who is responsible for the task and what the deliverable associated with the task needs to be. Also, by using a one week duration you better ensure the task will be completed within one weekly status reporting cycle. Most importantly, you’ll minimize surprises of a “90% complete” taking forever for the last 10% to be complete.

Excellent planning coupled with strong execution is crucial to ensuring the success of any project. Subtract planning or execution from a project, and you either get the randomized flailing of a project out of control, or the well-dressed inertia of a good-looking project going nowhere.

Retirement Planning: Common Mistakes

Retirement Planning: Common Mistakes

Retirement planning is not a simple task as it involves diligent research and constant reanalyzing for it to be successful. Yet, even with that, there are a couple of mistakes people tend to make when it comes to retirement planning.

One of the biggest problem when it comes to retirement planning is that people tend to dream, but not put realistic numbers on each of the dream they hope to eventually realize. When this happens, a person can feel like they have enough to survive, but not enough to enjoy their retirement. What you can do to prevent this is to list a number of things you would like to accomplish during your retirement, and how much you would spend on them, including your living expenses. On the other hand, should you want to continue earning an income after retirement, you can consult a retirement income planner to help you find out how this can affect your retirement planning.

Not taking inflation into account can also be another mistake. Today it may not seem like anything, but in the future if inflation does occur, the amount of money you save according to a plan without accounting for inflation can become a small amount. Hence, always take into account a realistic number for inflation, like 4%. This way, you will be able to live comfortably despite the rise in prices.

While you cannot predict how long you will be able to live, there is a likelihood that you may live longer than the average. However, people tend to use the average life expectancy in their calculations, which is rather dangerous actually, because you may end up living longer than that and have not saved enough for those remaining years. It is best to expect that you live longer and have more than enough money.

Last but not least, people tend to take the easy way out, counting on Social Security as their sole retirement plan. While this is one of the simpler ways of retirement planning since it is provided by the government, the presence of inflation can cause the value of your Social Security benefits to lessen, especially if the government decides to cut these benefits in order to balance out the federal budget. Due to the uncertainty of the Social Security’s future, it is best that people make use of other retirement plan options as well.

All in all, you should make your retirement plan a priority, putting effort into creating a perfect plan. If you must, hire professionals like retirement income planner, attorneys, or even tax advisors to help you create a suitable retirement plan for yourself.

Aquarius Soul Purpose

Retirement Planning: Common Mistakes

Every human has a purpose and a mission in this life. And whatever your unique gifts, your purpose is to contribute those gifts and make life better for everyone.

The greatest gift Spirit ever gave you was the potential to make something wonderful of your life and be an inspiration to others. God made sure that every opportunity you would ever need was already here and waiting for you, on the day you were born. What kind of logistics must that have required? All you have to do is make use of what you were born with.

Your talents and potential are your natural abilities. They are what you will contribute to life. Not everyone is born an artist, obviously, but everyone can do something artistic. Not everyone will have your gifts and talents, but you can make a difference in the quality of life for others by using your gifts. You have many things you are good at Aquarian.

You can also learn quite easily from the mistakes of others. Let’s take a look at one angry Aquarian. In 1939 Irish Aquarian, playwright, author and anarchist, Brendan Behan was arrested in Liverpool for carrying explosives for the IRA. He was sentenced to 18 months at a boys prison, where he began writing. Later he was sentenced to 14 years for shooting a police officer. He was quoted as saying, “When I came back to Dublin I was court martialed in my absence and sentenced to death in my absence, so I said they could shoot me in my absence.” A clever anarchist. But really, what did it get him but jail time? Behan and the IRA are an example of people who feel unheard. Aquarians have a reputation for carrying their message to extremes and Behan did just that. His Life’s Work was to be heard, or to be the voice of the many unheard, although he went about it in a radical way which cost him dearly. It is the prolonged lack of being unheard that leads to the crazy reputation Aquarians are famous for. Communication is a big part of every Aquarian’s Life Work.

Is your life a living chaos? It may have something to do with the lessons your Soul is trying to learn. With an Aquarian, chaos is the method to get to the lesson. Not always a good one. Often the lesson is to shake things up and do something new. Chaos didn’t become a part of your life because Mercury was retrograde (sorry all you other astrologers who think so), or because the moon was wobbling void of course. Your life is in chaos because this is the consequence of the choices you have made. If you wanted a life of peace, you would have been born under a different sign. I wonder if that’s what the band Cream was referring to when they sang Born Under A Bad sign. Peace isn’t always what an Aquarian is really looking for. Change is your driving force.

You can simplify your life by learning to capitalize on your God-given gifts. Or you can ignore them. The choice is always yours. If you can just accept that everything that has happened in your life so far is right on target with your Life’s Work and Soul’s Goal you can avoid making anarchist mistakes that will hurt you in the long run.

We humans are a strange breed. We wander around in mental, emotional and spiritual fogs for years. Sometimes for lifetimes. We make the same mistakes over and over, never really knowing how to change what’s not working. We don’t have to wander aimlessly anymore. The secret to moving forward with your Life’s Work is to GET THE LESSON! That’s it. It’s that simple. What was I supposed to learn from this? And then move on to the next lesson.

Your soul lessons are:

  • Learn to work in groups.
  • Tell the truth, even if it hurts.
  • Welcome change.
  • Become reliable, dependable and accountable.
  • Think and do outside the box.

For those who are not Aquarians, know that your Aquarian friends and loved ones are some of the most thoughtful and change-inspiring humans on the planet. So what if they’re a little odd. They have something important to teach you. Let them in.

How IT Support Company Can Boost Your Organization’s Cyber Resilience?

How IT Support Company Can Boost Your Organization’s Cyber Resilience?

A study by the National Cyber Security Alliance shows that over 60 percent of the business hacked loses their business within six months. The significant damage was done in cyber-attacks because of the organization’s inability to respond, as they have not developed a cyber-response and prevention strategy. If your e-commerce system, customer data, mail, or website suddenly becomes inaccessible due to an attack, can you able to get back up and running within minutes, days, or at all? That depends on your company’s level of cyber resilience. Here are the significant steps an IT support company near me can develop efficient cyber resilience for your business.

The most common way to define cyber resilience is the ability of an organization to minimize the impact of security incidents. It is a broader approach that surrounds business continuity management and cybersecurity strategies. There are two primary components of cyber resilience – the first one emphasizes preventive measures such as reporting threats and continuous monitoring. The second one is to develop appropriate response plans during a cyber-attack. Sadly, the majority of the businesses collapse at this crucial second step.

Develop cyber resilience: Assessing the risks

Before implementing an incident response plan, you first have to assess the risk to which your organization can be exposed. There can be multiple risks, including strategic ( failure in implementing business decisions that are associated with strategic goals), compliance (violation of regulations, rules, or laws), and reputation ( negative public opinion). Apart from these risks, other risks include operational (loss resulting due to failed systems, people, internal procedures, etc.) and transactional (issues with product or service delivery). For conducting a risk assessment, you need to understand your business processes, such as the type of data you are using and where this information is stored. The next step is to identify potential threats like misuse of information, unauthorized access, data loss, disruption of productivity or service, and unintentional exposure of information or data leakage. Typically, you have to look at numerous categories of information for assessing your business’ vulnerabilities adequately. It would be best to consider the following controls: data center environmental and physical security controls, user authentication and provisioning controls, organizational risk management controls, and operations controls. Daily assessments of risk are a crucial part of a business, and the IT support company near me will review them regularly. Once the first risk assessment is completed, the next step is implementing an incident response plan.

Developing an incident response plan

The objective is identifying the attack, containing the damage, and eradicating the root cause. When your company responds to an incident instantly, it can reduce losses, restoring services and processes, and mitigating exploited vulnerabilities. It is essential to build an incident response team and outline their responsibilities and roles. Also, there should be policies for implementation in the wake of a cyber-attack and a communication plan. The damage has to be mitigated, including quick response and long-term containment, such as installing security patches on affected systems. It is also crucial that the affected systems be restored to working conditions and monitor the network system to ensure that such incidents do not happen again.

3T Pro offers 24/7 computer support and IT services to clients in Dallas, Ft. Worth, Richardson, Rockwall, Mesquite, Grand Prairie, Carrollton, Allen, DFW Metroplex, Garland, Plano, Irving, and Arlington, Texas. To know more, visit https://3tpro.com/about-3t-pro/.

Taking A Look At ROI In Digital Marketing Compared To Traditional Forms Of Marketing

Taking A Look At ROI In Digital Marketing Compared To Traditional Forms Of Marketing

To any businessperson, the return on investment (ROI) is of great importance. We can define ROI as the profit you get after making an investment. You can also call it the cost that you save because of making an investment.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing is made up of different areas: email marketing, SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, just to mention a few. Compared to the traditional way of marketing where you need to spend millions for you to reach your target market, digital marketing is highly cost effective. You can use it regardless of whether you are running a small one-person local business or a large corporation.

All you need to do is set up your campaign depending on your budget. The marketing strategy also gives you the benefit of running A/B split tests that help you settle on the most effective marketing strategy that saves you a lot of money.

It’s also easy to make adjustments in digital marketing. If you have noticed that a certain Ad isn’t doing as well as would like it to, you only need to make a few tweaks and you are good to go. It’s a completely different issue with traditional marketing. With the traditional form of marketing, the process is long, time-consuming, and often expensive. For example, if you have made a mistake in a magazine, you have to ask the editorial team to make another Ad. You also have to wait for another magazine publication to see the changes.

There are plenty of online tools you can use to measure your digital marketing success. For example, when you use paid online Ads, you can easily track the number of people that click on them. You can also tell those that buy your products. You can also track your traditional marketing technique but it’s going to take time and is often inaccurate. For example, how can you accurately tell the exact number of people that watch your television Ad?

Finally, it’s easy to accurately target your audience with digital marketing. You can target your audience depending on the location, age, sex, and other parameters. This is something that is almost impossible with the traditional marketing techniques.

ROI on digital marketing vs. traditional marketing

Due to the ability to specifically target your ideal customers, digital marketing gives you a better ROI. This is because you spend an amount that is enough to reach the people you are interested in. While this is the case, you should note that the ROI increases as you increase and master your connections.


While digital marketing has a high ROI than the traditional method of marketing, you have no reason to ditch the traditional marketing techniques as they have been proven to be highly effective in certain industries. All you need to do find the right channel that reaches out to as many of your target market as possible. You should remember that the future of marketing is digital; therefore, you should invest heavily in it.

Rapid Change, Quick Change, Convertible Configurations in Vehicles, Aircraft and Logistics

Rapid Change, Quick Change, Convertible Configurations in Vehicles, Aircraft and Logistics

When the margins get tough, efficiencies are crucial. Whether in airlines, fighting a war or maximizing company and logistical assets.

Problem is efficiency are common and occasional quite frustrating to the Airline Industry, it is a matter of survival, literally. Let us take the “Quick Change Concept” for Commercial Aviation. Recently in Dayton OH the seminar about quick-change problems revealed the inability to adapt such concept to make the most of resources. We believe in efficiencies obviously.

Air Mail has been going on for as long as Commercial Aviation has existed when in Wichita Kansas “Commercial Aviation” was born. Aircraft make good tools for moving freight fast. The first multiple purpose aircraft, which could move people and freight and go from one to the other was the DC-10. Calling it a Convertible concept


Where seats could be removed and then it was able to be used for cargo. The DC-6C also was made convertible, but was not really a huge hit. The DC-8 also has some convertible Aircraft uses;


The DC-10 came about when American Airlines put out to bid an aircraft which was roomy like the 747, but could maneuver in tight areas and fly on older runways with less take off space and need to be airborne faster. Also AA wanted a plane, which could carry 250 people.

Both Lockheed and McDonald Douglas decided to meet the offer. The Lockheed Aircraft of course was the L1011. The L1011 sold just about as many as the DC-10 for passenger flight. Eastern, TWA, Delta bought and loved the L1011 as did pilots and those who were scared after some crashes with the DC-10. Even so the US military bought the 10 and used it for flying gas stations, troop and cargo carriers and the airlines bought 30 convertible aircraft and later the Military seeing that Airline industry was cyclical decided to offer incentives when airlines bought DC-10s which could also be used as cargo planes in times of war. That was great until one aircraft had a cargo door come off at altitude and cause all the passengers and aircraft to crash.

In more recent times many 727s and 737s were built to be convertible under the theories of “Quick Change” where aircraft were used during the day for passengers and the seats taken out at night for cargo, then back again every day. This made it easy for airlines to lease their aircraft out at night. Sounds like a wonderful idea to save money, pay for aircraft and maximize utilization. The change over could be accomplished in 2-3 hours or so.

And their have been many different combos called such things as “Combo-Aircraft.” Combo Configurations, Convertible Aircraft and Quick Change Aircraft. Some of the Europeans called them Rapid Change Aircraft. In Rapid Change Aircraft used pallet type seating, although it is doubtful that the average passenger would see that they were sitting on one of four seats per pallet, but that is exactly what they were doing. Israel Aircraft Industries still do this with Jacob Netz. They use the 737 SF. Some turbo Props with regional airlines still do this with C235, DHC 8 –100 and –300s. Also the C-17 and ATR 42/72. even the Russians have been doing this for some time with their Ukraine Antonov 74. The newer Boeing 737-700 w/Cargo can quick change to a 149 passenger airline or 41,420 lbs. On eight pallets


The US Navy also has some 737-700s C-40 with Quick Change Configuration. One company working with these airlines is Pemco, which seems to be one of the experts in the area of “QC-Quick Change.” The problems of course come into play when a different company runs the aircraft at night running freight while the other company owning the aircraft flys people during the day.

What is the biggest problems are include aircraft not reaching its next day departure airport due to weather. Problems in damage during freight operations. Excessive wear on interiors, since the freight would fly one way and then load interior for passengers, leaving the other interior at the other airport. Of course once the interior is out it is much easier to clean while out of the plane without the worry of mold forming. Mold issues have been manipulated by class action attorneys lately and when you are exchanging the interior in the middle of the night or on a dewy morning, expect some issues.

Problems also occur when or if the aircraft is diverted because of weather to a third airport where no interior is located. Meanwhile first flight the next morning gets cancelled and scheduling gets screwed up and people are upset and the finicky consumer cannot accept this, they have places to be and things to do. An airline in BK or stressed to make payments on the aircraft may have no choice and have to do this program of airfreight at night. It works better when it is the same company, but many times there is no choice. Such quick solutions are usually ill thought and fail, but work short term to get the airline over a hump in a cyclical sector rotation. These time periods due to fuel costs, economic conditions are the bust years for airlines and they must make it through them to make big money on the boom years, if you look at the current fuel prices we will see Bankruptsies anyway in the Airline Sector and many have not fully recovered from previous situations after 9-11. Having a father involved in the Deregulation, and airline for some 20 years after leaving military aviation, it is more real than you can imagine.

In other countries and specifically China and Europe this concept is much more widely accepted and expected to help pay for the aircraft while their markets are more cost competitive for freight. If you will recall Nippon Express, DHL wars and Federal Express. Some much larger aircraft are used for this over there. BA has had many tries at this concept and is currently running a few aircraft in this fashion.

The US Military has aircraft such as the C-17 can carry 102 troops, or be used as a hospital with 54 patients, three helicopters, three tanks or 40 airdrop containers. What we see is a need in aircraft to be multi-use for missions. Some such as the KC-10 can carry people, cargo, or even fuel tanks, or some of each or all of one. This is a completely smart way to run logistics and complete tasks without the huge number of hibernated aircraft sitting and rotting in the desert. Many times components and changes can be made possible by several aviation companies. Even the idea of fighting fires using military aircraft such as C-130s using systems such as AFFS-Modular fire fighting systems is a great example of the need for convertible aircraft.

Now I want everyone to understand that this thought process is my example of my next point. My major point of course is that I believe we can do more with less, faster with the latest computer decision matrix and real time 4-D imaging and respond to threats as fast as they occur and turn off the problems before the get full blown by studying the needs and logistical flows and disruptions prior to the signal. Kind of like preventing an imploding vortex in a hydro-electric power plant or turning off a switch sending a signal at the speed of light before the entire signal has started, simply by using the disruption caused by the event to signal in advance the need to turn it off.

You can solve the worlds problems by watching flows and needs, staying efficient and adapting your strategy for crisis management and continually improving your finite capacity scheduling model to win the missions goals while simultaneously being prepared to take advantage of opportunities when everything appears to be in perpetual Chaos.

All Military equipment no matter what agency should be multi-use whenever possible, without regard to personal egos of any particular agency or inner fighting between Army, Navy, Air force, Marines, Coast Guard or other. Even the DEA, FBI, Border Patrol and now under umbrellas of Homeland Security should be streamlined to pursue such a pattern of operations when ever possible.

Why? Because it leaves us the money to do more R and D and afford more things necessary to accomplish additional and ever increasing missions of public safety. Why am I so intent on this theory? Because I see it in business and because it works. Take Fed Ex as a perfect example, no waste. A pilot will also load a container and a manager will also drive a delivery truck if needed, thus no wasted labor.

We need to have depots in key positions and even in other countries with warehoused equipment. For instance a Humvee is a universal tool. Once used it should be completely cleaned and put in storage in a warehouse. The vehicle should be totally universal no matter what is to be attached. For instance an ELF antenna, 50 Cal Machine Gun, GPS System, whatever can installed rapidly and the hook ups are all the same for all agencies and universal. Plug and play components always using the same adapters, like a PCMIA card slot, USB Port, Parallel Port. Like a 110V outlet in a house or a garden hose thread. Since the DOD has got smart and logistically looked at Wal-Mart Distribution for answers with RFID Chips why not go to the next step? Why waste efficiencies? Economies of scale are what won WWII. Bar coding and satellite pinging GPS location positioning will make it easy to know where each piece of equipment is at all times, anywhere in the world.

It is now possible to keep control of every piece of equipment in the entire military and once all components are the same, then any department can use them, plus once everything is standardized the Microsoft way, the economies of scale come into play and that means cost savings on contracts. It means universal systems, it means easier training and even privatized training. The person no matter what agency department or rank can be trained to use certain types of equipment, most in a simulator department. Such as driving a truck, Humvee, SUV, Generator, Computer, etc. Then when he, she or it needs to learn the specialty stuff that can be done as per local protocols of the Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard they can do that after wards. This means better training on the basics and specific training on the components. You see?

The most excellent factor in this is the basic life skills such as driving, computers, driving a truck are of value in the civilian force. I like this idea since in any given year 50,000 – 250,000 leave the military for civilian life. Wouldn’t it be great to know that a more disciplined workforce was also able to get work faster thus higher quality people might join our volunteer military. Also the issues with unskilled labor being complained about in places like AZ, NM, CA, GA, MS, LA, TN, FL and even CO might be ended. If you look at the globe and see the most likely future problems and safest and most friendly trading partners you can already see we have bases and areas to do such storage with adequate logistical infrastructure such as shipping, rail, large run ways to rapidly deploy equipment without duplication for each squadron, battalion, division, team. Certain items are specialty, but for most things they just need a troop carrier, Humvee, vehicle, etc. And they can have it faster and we can deliver the same number of units without having all the units or have to replace all the units.

Hibernation services contracts can be awarded to keep everything totally operational ready. We may have to pay more for these services than prior prime contractors have bid to make sure it is done correctly with no hiccups, but in the end we will have saved billions and we can re-invest our savings on the latest materials and R and D on the latest technologies. The delivery system, warehouse systems, standardization and commitment to work together is the key. We can do this and it could be done with simple components first and eventually with nearly everything.