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Your First Car Loan Will Help You to Build Your Credit Score

Your First Car Loan Will Help You to Build Your Credit Score

Buying your first car is an exciting experience. But, to buy your first car, you need to apply for your first car loan. And for getting the loan, you need a good credit score. But, what if you have zero credit score? Don’t worry. You can approach the lenders who help first time buyers. With the help of a specialized lender, you can buy your first car. And, by making timely payments, your credit score will improve as well. It’s like killing two birds with one stone!

Car Shopping Tips for First Time Car Buyers

· Consider your Lifestyle

The car market is a vibrant market with several options. A different car is available for each income group. If you are confused about choosing a car, your lifestyle will help you in defining your car. Do you need a fuel-efficient vehicle or a vehicle that has backseat space for the kids? The choice remains with you.

· List down the Car Models

Make a list of car models based on your requirement and budget. Which type of car pleases you and your family? Is it a sedan, a hatchback or an SUV? You should take into consideration various factors such as family size, utility, road conditions etc. before making a decision.

· Prepare a Budget

Inspect all your financial resources to calculate your budget. The price of the car isn’t the only cost that you need to consider. You need to remember different costs such as insurance, fuel, maintenance and loan payments.

· Apply for your First Car Loan

Shop around for the best interest rate. First car loans are available at banks and dealerships. And, due to competition in the financial market, the interest rates are quite low. Thus, affordable interest rates will make becoming a car owner affordable for you.

Look ahead: How to get your First Car Loan and improve your Credit Score?

When you are buying a car for the first time, you may explore various financing options. As you are a first time buyer, you are likely to have zero credit score. Therefore, qualifying for your first car loan can be difficult. But, there are a few things which will help you in buying your first car.

· Pay a large down payment to the dealer. It will enable you in obtaining the best interest rate. As a result, your monthly payments will become manageable.

· Using a co-signer will significantly increase your chances of getting approval. The creditworthiness of the co-signer will help you in buying your first car.

· Search for specialized lenders. There are people who provide loans even when you have bad credit history or zero credit score. Compare various financing options available to you and choose the right one!

· If you are loan application is approved, make timely payments because it will help you in building your credit score.

When you are a first time buyer, buying a car can be an uncertain process. And, trying to obtain your first car loan will contribute to the feeling of uncertainty. But, when you are persistent, nothing is impossible. Shop for your first car loan today and buy your first car. It will provide you the opportunity to build your credit score.

Lead Skimmer Review – Can It Actually Produce Totally Free Leads?

Lead Skimmer Review – Can It Actually Produce Totally Free Leads?

Geoff Stephen, creator of Global NPN has recently released a brand new lead generation system called Lead Skimmer that can be used to get more leads and sales in 2 ways. The first is by promoting Lead Skimmer directly as a premium business opportunity and the second is by working with the system to produce leads and sales for your primary business.

The idea is that you can apply their system to supply free leads for any opportunity you may be marketing because whenever you generate a new lead using Lead Skimmer’s patented Skim 3 software, that person will then pass leads up to you via their promotional efforts, all without any person ever buying a thing…but how does it work?

The Way It Works

The following is an overview of the free system:

1) You enroll at zero cost under your sponsor, browse the system, and begin marketing your “Lead Skimmer” squeeze page.

2) You receive your very first lead. That lead will be passed up to your sponsor, and so are the next two.

3) The next step is, you obtain your 4th lead. This lead and each lead hereafter will be yours to keep…yay!

4) This fourth lead also starts your first “lead line”.

5) Throughout every lead line that you own, you’ll get to keep every qualifying lead (every person’s first 3) on through infinity.

Now about the Premium Membership

The above explanation is how the system functions when all members are unpaid members. But what happens when a person upgrades?

If you were to sign up for Lead Skimmer and ended up opting for the premium version, you would then be automatically eligible to begin creating lead lines. This means you would not ever need to pass up any leads to your sponsor to qualify.

This is a wonderful incentive for upgrading because if you are indeed marketing with the Lead Skimmer system, even if you are solely using it to build leads for your principal company, there will undoubtedly be some people who respond to what they see and choose to advance to a premium membership; and it would be a shame to lose out on all those sales.

So how much does it cost to upgrade?

Upgrade Options

There are 2 options for upgrading to a premium membership, should you decide to do so. Upgrades are done through the Lead Skimmer back office, which you receive access to once you join for the free version.

1) The first option is in the form of a one time $44.95 payment.

2) The second choice packages the premium membership as a free bonus when you sign up for Lead Skimmer’s sister company Global NPN at the director level ($39.97 per month).

The director level is the lowest membership tier needed to obtain the free Lead Skimmer package deal. There are however 3 more levels beyond director. Any of these 3 levels will also allow you to receive the bundle, in the event you decide that a higher level of membership meets your needs.

Although option 2 is a regular monthly cost instead of a one time cost, it can in fact save you money considering all of the services that Global NPN supplies.

Global NPN specializes in internet marketing tools and they provide an impressive selection of offerings like ad tracking, hosting, autoresponders, website building tools, tons of coaching material, etc. It’s a great option to think about if you’re searching for a full and low cost online marketing tool suite to help you operate a successful business online.

The Lead Skimmer Comp Plan

What are the benefits of upgrading?

Do you remember those lead lines we mentioned earlier? Each lead that gets passed up to you instantly becomes your personal referral which means you will receive commissions if and when each of them upgrades to a premium membership.

But remember, there are two ways to upgrade.

1) If your referral chooses option 1 and pays the one time $44.95 to upgrade, $25 of that purchase will be paid out to you.

2) If your referral selects option 2 and decides to enroll with Global NPN at the director level for $39.97 a month, you’ll collect $25 every month residually from those monthly payments (presuming you are also a Global NPN member at the director level).

Autoresponder Solutions

Lead Skimmer also gives you complete integration with AWeber and Get Response, as well as Global NPN’s MailMarketer Pro, which is bundled free of charge with Global NPN’s director level membership (see upgrade option 2 above).

Bottom Line

The Lead Skimmer system is about working smarter, not harder. You can make money by building it directly as a business, use it as a powerful front-end offer to create more leads and sales for your primary business, or some mixture of the two.

In any event, you end up multiplying your efforts with the power of lead lines, potentially producing 3x the results with the same measure of effort.

But will Lead Skimmer really supply free leads?

Lead Skimmer can dramatically raise your opt-ins as it multiplies your promotional efforts by leveraging the efforts of your leads. One lead could very well become hundreds hands free as they continuously pass up to you through your lead lines. And all of this occurs without anyone, including yourself, ever having to buy a single thing. So yes…Lead Skimmer can certainly produce free leads.

Asteroid Impacts – Risk Management of Potential Extinction of Humankind

Asteroid Impacts – Risk Management of Potential Extinction of Humankind

Okay so, my comments here today are not to scare anyone, rather to consider asteroids from a risk management perspective. You see, not long ago, a concerned citizen and now a distant acquaintance contacted our Think Tank which operates online about the almost unthinkable thought of a very large asteroid slamming into Earth and wiping out the human race. Yes, a morbid thought indeed, and he promises me he is genuinely serious about this issue and hasn’t smoked anything in years.

Now then, after considering the accumulated knowledge on this topic I’ve been fortunate enough to run across, along with all the doomsday Hollywood Movies, a few books on the topic, some Discovery Channel shows, several research papers, and a couple of astronomy classes along the way – I decided to revisit the topic. Over the course of a little less than a week now, I’ve read no fewer than 50 research papers on the topic from all the best known astronomers dedicated to this area of study.

My acquaintance tells me he comes from a business risk management point of view having run many companies, and he also comes from a strategic thinking standpoint having studied war-gaming all his life, and asks me to consider the ramifications of this issue from that venue, and hold my critique until I’ve carefully considered it – indeed, I can safely say I have. Therefore, here is my assessment and the official position of our think tank;

It appears to me that it may be wise to back off any immediate mandated effort to go and kill a large comet or Asteroid which maybe heading for Earth right now. Likewise the concept of funding $50 Billion each and every year to put a space ship, attack crew, with the necessary number of nuclear weapons, as my acquaintance suggests is simply not currently feasible. In the future it might be, but we live in the present period, not the future. In 2-3 decades we may have better materials, better space vehicles, and better ability to manipulate gravity – currently we do not.

There are also several reasons for this risk assessment. First, an extremely large asteroid, one which could cause all life to go extinct on this planet, would be a massive space rock – we simply do not have the fire-power currently to shoot it down, divert it, or bump it out of the way. One estimate would be that it might take 2000 nuclear bombs to do this, which as my acquaintance claims would take some 4,000 large Delta Rockets to get up into space.

Secondly, there are not that many very large sized asteroids that we know about which are for sure on a collision course for Earth. There are many potential smaller ones to practice on yes, and maybe that’s a present day option instead.

Third, we do not have an accurate census of the threat, more studies are needed, and we need to know more information, and that information must be more accurate, currently the margin for error on our data of size of the objects is estimated at 100%, meaning if an ECA (Earth-Crossing Asteroid) is 50 meters in diameter, it could very well be 100 meters, that quite frankly isn’t good enough data for risk assessment. More work is needed, and it should be funded to get accurate data.

Fourth, we have no clue as to the consistency, make-up of any of these space rocks which have been found and discovered and are already part of the NEO (Near Earth Object) or NEA (Near Earth Asteroid), we are only guessing based on reflectivity, spectrometry, radiometry, and other readings – and this still only tells us of the surface of such objects. We do have some idea that some of these asteroids and comets have a good deal of macro and micro-porosity, which is in our favor should one come to Earth at just the right angle to enter the atmosphere and not skip back out into space.

Fifth, due to the fact that likelihood of such an event within the next 100-years is a low percentage, we should wait until we have better technology to do something about it, while we fund practice missions to asteroids, and various strategies to deflect, destroy, or divert (D3) them. What we learn will confirm what we are dealing with. Sun Tzu – know your enemy well, and know yourself well. We know we currently do not have the political will, or technology, and we know very little about these space rocks, although that is changing.

Sixth, a semi-large asteroid that we might be able to shoot down or D3 using all of our current nuclear fire-power is hit or miss, and we have no idea if we’d be able to see it in time, or if it would for sure hit us, as our data is inaccurate, and we know that. So whereas, it might kill 100 million or even 500 million people at or after impact, the human race would still go on.

So, in closing – We don’t have the capability of taking out the BIG ONE right now, a smaller one wouldn’t completely take us out – and we have time on our hands, thankfully. Thus, we need to use that time expediently and carefully. We need to fund a complete and accurate census of all asteroids and comets catalogued by;

1. Size,

2. Speed,

3. Orbit or Period,

4. Stream or Cluster (if any),

5. Estimated Make Up and Density,

Simultaneous, we need to work on better materials for space craft, better equipment, more fire power, and delivery systems. Such as;

1. Sample collection by all means,

2. Carbon nano-tube, graphene composite construction,

3. Advanced radar, spectrometry, telescope, radiometry – all types of systems,

4. Advanced space propulsion systems (all types need funding, prototypes, and testing),

5. Defensive energy systems, including: Laser, Nuclear, Vibrational, Gravity manipulation technologies,

Along the way, as this strategy progresses, it makes sense to expedite the research, prototypes, and take risks as necessary to develop a solid strategy and have the capability to D3 any medium to large size space rock threat. We must maintain the will to deal with this ever present threat, and not simply write it off as something we can’t do anything about, or that we hope will never happen.

Why? Because the Dinosaurs are no longer with us – they didn’t have a planetary defense system. Humans are smart enough to solve this problem and deal with this inevitable future challenge because it’s not if, but when, and right now, we don’t have enough information for a solid risk assessment – thus, it’s wise to be prudent in this matter. This is the official position of the Online Think Tank in the matter of saving the human race from extinction from a Comet or Asteroid strike.

The History of Life Insurance

The History of Life Insurance

The history of Life Insurance is not a very hard one to understand. Today, Life insurance is simply the contract between a single individual and an insurance company dictating that the company is to pay the policy holder’s beneficiary if the insured dies. But where did the idea of being insured at death come from? Who were the first people that implemented this idea? What did they do when the amounts of money were not as high as those of the companies in the life insurance industry today? When did the actual life insurance industry started? All these are pretty interesting questions and the fact of the matter is that some of them cannot be answered to a high extent; however we do know a lot about the history of this wonderful thing that today covers people from all around the globe.

The First Few Signs in Life Insurance History

Historians have been searching for the true start of life insurance as we know it, but they have first deciphered the baby steps that finally ended in the actual death benefit payment. According to the Financial Shopper Network in Ancient China sailors would prevent pirates from stealing all their goods by carrying portions of other ships cargos, this way if a pirate stole the cargo of one ship, the entire load would not be lost. A little bit later in Babylon traders simply gave loans that had to be repaid when the contents of the trade were delivered safely.

So what does this have to do with life insurance? Well both of those civilizations were preventing losing it all. They were doing little baby steps that would help in the long run. Life insurance as we know it however; started in the city of Rome. The people of this highly advanced civilization decided to form what they called “burial clubs”. These clubs were designed with one sole purpose, in case of an unexpected death of a club member; everyone else would be willing to pay for their funerary expenses and help the family of the survivor with some money. The concept of life insurance as they knew it ended dramatically in the year 450 A.D. when the Roman Empire fell and its practices were abandoned for a long period of time. It is also important to highlight that many historians agree that about at the same time of Rome, the Indian Empire and its citizens also formed “burial clubs” in order to pay for funerals and help people with expenses. A clue of this according to the Financial Shopper Network is that the “yogakshema, the name of Life Insurance Corporation of Indian’s Corporate Headquarters” refers to the Vedas.

Britain and It’s Footstep in Life Insurance History

Modern life insurance however did not start until the British decided to try and make it work. The practice of life insurance was banded in the entire continent of Europe except for England and it was exactly the British that started the most prominent life insurance companies known to the European countries today. It was in the middle of the 17th century that in the streets of London, England a group of people met together at Lloyd’s Coffee house and decided to come about with life insurance ideas. The coffee house was a famous place for merchants, ship owners and traders and therefore it would be the perfect place to discuss life insurance knowing that most of those people had money.

Life Insurance History in the United States

With the British knowing the basics of life insurance and the things that could help people like the life insurance industry, they decided to give it a try in the United States of America. After talking about how they would decide on coming about with the first life insurance company, they decided to base it on the well known British model at the time. The first life insurance company in American soil was founded in the Southern Colony of Charleston, South Carolina in the year 1735.

About 20 years later the entire colonies saw that this was a good idea, so the Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia decided to sponsor the first life insurance corporation in the United States, which wrote its first policy in the year 1761. The bad thing about life insurance at that time was that many religious groups opposed it because it would be like anticipating one’s own death and with the religious fervor in the North American Colonies at the time; it proved to be quite a challenge to get the whole thing started.

The actual life insurance industry as we know it really took off in the year 1840 because those religious groups calmed down and didn’t interfere with governmental affairs anymore. Another big reason that life insurance companies came about proved to be the New York and Chicago Fire’s that killed a whole bunch of people in each of the two cities. After this more and more life insurance companies started coming about and in the 1900’s business really grew. People wanted to be protected in case of an accidental death.

The 1900’s proved to be an era of growth for the life insurance industry. Two wars went on and many people decided to insure themselves to establish a secure monetary future for their families. It is also said that after an attack on the country more people buy life insurance policies. Nobody can contest that simply because after Pearl Harbor a bunch of people panicked and decided to open policies in fear for their lives. The same is true after the turn of this century when the attacks on the World Trade Center took place. People decided that not having protection was not worth it and that a little premium each month was better than leaving their families in economic burden.

Life Insurance Today

As you can see life insurance has moved quite a lot from when it first started in Rome and India. Major corporations with great world interaction and power have surfaced. Companies that have a lot to say in both the economic and political world have come to exist. As you can see the market right now is in a boom and there are many life insurance companies coming to life. Who knows what will happen in the future, but as of now customer should be happy with their options and the thousands of companies that they can choose from!

Pick 4 Strategy Exposes State Lotteries’ Greatest Fear

Pick 4 Strategy Exposes State Lotteries’ Greatest Fear

State Lotteries across the country protect their Pick 4 lottery systems by writing rules and regulations that prevent the Pick 4 lotto results from bankrupting their systems. They shut out Pick 4 lotto players who want to win the Pick 4 by cutting off a popular number.

Sometimes players go to their local retailer to play a Quad type Pick 4 number such as “7777” only to be told that this Pick 4 lotto number is not available. The players are using their favorite Pick 4 Strategy that leads them to choose this number. Or, players play it based on a particular date.

In the Illinois Pick 4 many players around November 11, 2009, started playing “1111” and continued playing this same number hoping the Pick 4 lotto results when drawn would bring them a cash windfall. For months of being shut out when attempting to play, “1111” exposed the State’s Pick 4 Strategy. The interest in this particular number gained renewed life based on the date January 11, 2010, with 1.11.10. Pick 4 lottery systems based on dates continued to prevent players who wanted to win the Pick 4 to be shut out for another six weeks or more in Illinois from playing “1111”.

With the payout of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for every one dollar ($1) Straight Ticket, the State Lottery coffers would have to payout $1 Million for every two hundred ($200) dollars worth of winning tickets sold. The Pick 4 lottery systems that advocate “date play” that form Quads bring fear to the heart and soul of every State Lottery Office in the country. The winning Pick 4 lotto results, in this case, means the State Lottery could incur a major financial loss.

The only way the State Lotteries could prevent themselves from going “bankrupt” is by writing rules and regulations that would limit the number of tickets that can be sold on a particular Pick 4 number. Their Pick 4 Strategy is particularly focused on the Pick 4 lottery results of a “quad” being drawn. The sale of 500 winning tickets at the basic level of one dollar would result in a Pick 4 lotto payout of $2.5 Million Dollars in most States.

Every time a Quad Number is overplayed, because of popularity, the State’s Pick 4 Lottery System has to expose their Pick 4 Strategy by simply cutting off that particular number from being played.

On March 31, 2010, in the Pennsylvania Big 4, 7-7-7-7 was drawn in the evening draw. The PA Lottery had $7.77 Millions in payouts to over 3,100 players who invested wisely in this Big 4 winning number. The PA Lottery had to pay out more than $7.2 million dollars than it took in for that drawing. The Big 4 payout was a staggering 1,573 percent of sales according to the lottery spokesperson. Luckily for the PA Big 4 Lottery, quads which are very popular with pick 4 lotto players, are rarely drawn.

The last Quad to be drawn in the PA Big 4 was 2-2-2-2 on September 8, 2008, with a payout of $3.09 Million to 1,236 Pick 4 lottery players.

The Pick 4 Strategy to play Quads by so many Pick 4 lotto players exposes the strategy most State Lotteries use to counter pick 4 lotto results that could bankrupt them….this is their greatest fear.

As a Pick 4 lottery player, when was the last time you were shut out with your favorite Pick 4 Quad?

Medicare – A Beginner’s Guide

Medicare – A Beginner’s Guide

Medicare is broken up into four parts.

Part A – covers hospital costs. There is a deductible, ($1100.00) in 2010. The deductible is per benefit period. You can have multiple benefit periods in a year. There is usually no premium associated with Part A, as long as you or your spouse has worked for forty quarters (ten years). There are also copays, $275.00 a day for days 61-90 (2010), and $550.00 days 91 and beyond (2010). Part A will also cover things such as Skilled Nursing facility (copays apply).

Part B – covers medical (doctors). There is a deductible, ($155.00) in 2010. This deductible is per year. There is usually a premium for Part B. It is 110.50 per month for 2010, unless you make over $80,000.00 for a single person, and then the premium increases. After the deductible, Medicare generally pays 80% of the “approved amount”, and you or your supplement would be required to pay 20%. If the doctor does not accept “assignment”, you and or your supplement may be required to pay and additional 15% above the 20% you already paid.

Part C – Medicare Advantage – Private health plans with a yearly contract with Medicare. The plans encompass Parts A & B and sometimes D. Pays instead of original Medicare. These are offered in different forms such as HMO, where you are limited to in network doctors only, PPO, where you can go in or out of network (for a higher cost) or PFFS (Private Fee for Service), where you can see any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare, as long as they agree to accept it. Acceptance can be on a case by case basis.

Part D – Prescription Drug Coverage – Plans are offered by private insurance companies. Medications are broken up into “Tiers” and the copays will vary. There is also a “coverage gap” associated with these plans.

Medigap – Private insurance that pays after Medicare. Plans vary and can cover deductibles and copays, depending on the plan you choose. Medicare Supplements are standardized by the Federal Government. They are lettered A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M & N. Each standardized Medigap policy must offer the same basic benefits no matter which insurance company sells it. Cost is usually the only difference between Medigap policies with the same letter sold by different insurance companies.

Medicare Supplement – Same as Medigap. Private insurance that pays after Medicare. Plans vary and can cover deductibles and copays, depending on the plan you choose. Medicare Supplements are standardized by the Federal Government. They are lettered A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M & N. Each standardized Medigap policy must offer the same basic benefits no matter which insurance company sells it. Cost is usually the only difference between Medigap policies with the same letter sold by different insurance companies.

As this all can be very confusing, it is best to consult with a professional who specializes in this area.